28 Dec 2019: 9 Sessions Study of Iqbal’s Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam

“Muslim responses to Western modernity range from call for reform of to call of revival of Islam, or from total rejection of either tradition or modernity to a reconstruction of Islamic religious thought. Sayyid Ahmed Khan (d.1898) ‘jadid ilm al-kalam‘ a new Islamic theology of modernity. Khan’s approach was called ‘Islamic Modernism’. Iqbal (d.1938)’s Reconstruction of Religious Thought revived the movement for the Islamic theology of modernity and its need.” Dr. Khalid Masud (http://baytunur.blogspot.com/2010/05/muslim-ulema-and-scholars-responses-to.html)

On Saturday 28 December 2019, Danish Baloch – a philosophy graduate who has read both Western and Eastern philosophers – begins a 9 session indepth study of poet and philosopher Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938)’s Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, a major work of modern Islamic thought – a compilation of seven lectures originally in English, on religion and philosophy, held in 1928 at the universities of Madras, Hyderabad and Mysore.

1. Knowledge and Religious Experience
2. The Philosophical Test of the Revelations of Religious Experience
3. The Conception of God and the Meaning of Prayer
4. The Human Ego – His Freedom and Immortality
5. The Spirit of Muslim Culture
6. The Principle of Movement in Structure of Islam
7. Is Religion Possible?

Indepth-Study of Allama Iqbal’s Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam9 sessions (primarily in Urdu) with Danish Baloch
Saturdays, 3:00 to 4:40 pm

Starting Sat, 28 December 2019 (to Sat, 22 Feb 2020)

Format: Lectures & Discussions on assigned Reading Texts other than the book chapters
(7 Lectures on the 7 chapters, 1 Lecture Introduction and 1 Lecture Conclusion)

Registeration: Whatsapp on 03008493170 or email on hast.o.neest@gmail.com.

Hast o Neest Institute of Traditional Studies & Arts, 3, Iftikhar Ahmad Malik Road, Shariff Colony, Canal Park, Gulberg II, Lahore.

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